Apr 14, 2016

Save to Google - A Launch Page for your Favorite Sites

This week, Google released the Save to Google Chrome Extension.  This handy tool allows users to save their favorite websites to Google Chrome.  

How is this any different than creating Bookmarks?  If you're like me, I'm a visual person.  I avoided bookmarks like the plague for so long, because having a  list of bookmarked webpages didn't do anything for me.  I wanted to see a thumbnail view of the site, or at least some large icon representing what that site is about.  That way, I would have a visual reminder.

So now it's Save to Google to Save the Day!  

If you have a Website you want to save, just click the Star Icon for the Save to Google Extension.  That's all you have to do.   One click does it.  When you want to view your saved sites, go to http://www.google.com/save

You can also Tag your Saved Sites so they can be categorized.  To do this, you can add Tags as you save sites, or just visit your saved sites page, click on a tile and add the tag.  To view tags by category, just click the Tag at the upper left side of the page.

Finally, if you can't remember what your saved site is about, you can click on it and open the description.  Don't like the default description?  Change it!  Just highlight the description and type a new one in.  Then click Enter. It's saved!

There are other programs online that do the same thing such as Pocket or Symbaloo, but like all things Google, this has a clean and simple look, and an easy interface, so anyone can do it.  Plus you don't have to create a new account for another service.  It is part of the every growing number of Google Services available to GAFE and Gmail users.

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