This workshop by CDW-G focuses on common core and technology integration in school districts across the country.
Joanna Antoniou
Passaic, NJ.- technology coordinator. Leads a 30 teacher PD Pilot group that focuses on teacher PD and instructional shift with CC.
Doug Renfro- instructional Designer- Metro Nashville Schools. Focusing on instructional shift as well. Using librarians to implement shift in each building. Writing technology plan using a team of teachers, students, and community.
Jeff Fletcher- SETDA- State Educational Technology Directors Assoc. Working closely with Smarter Balance and PARRC to help with implementation of CC. Change instruction prior to online testing to give students online experience. SETDA recommends 100 Mbps per 1000 students by 14/15 and 1Gbps per 1000 by 16/17. Recommends shift away from print textbooks.
3/4 of IT professionals expect common core to have positive impact on their district. See report at
56% of all computers registered in tech readiness tool are windows xp. New specs will require districts to upgrade. This forced upgrade due in part by xp being phased out of update cycle allows students to use more up to date tech.
IT directors report that preparing to meet CC requirements is one of top three priorities. PD is important as well. Teaching teachers how to use tech is important in order to ensure tech implementation goes smoothly.
Common concerns:
-Budget to support change - 76%
-IT support staff - 69%
-Technology for student assessment - 62%
-Classroom technologies - 60 %
-Strong IT infrastructure - 55%
-Reliable Wifi - 55%
Districts have found that by setting up a plan of implementation with targeted goals, and by involving the community, they are kept accountable and are pressured to make the technological shift occur in a timely manner.
Options for setting up common core testing:
-Computer labs - 75%
-One to many carts -37%
-One to one -29%
-BYOD -17%
-Virtual Desktop -9%
Students should test in an environment similar to the one they learned in, meaning that students need to utilize more technology in instruction and in producing work. Creates a need for a big push toward technology in the classroom.
An additional benefit of integrated technology, in addition to that stated above, is that technology in the hands of a student is better than paper/pencil for special needs students.
-Move forward confidently - strong infrastructure and updated/upgraded tech is important moving forward.
-Share your vision with others - communicate your vision of change with all stakeholders.
-Focus on good instruction/teaching - it's not about the tech. It's about he students.
-Prepare for more change- assess your program after a year to see whether goals have been met or if new benchmarks need to be established.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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